存档修改器功能:1.角色等级、金钱、经验值、职业、名字、头像、皮肤修改2.新增修改枪械、物品3.编辑快速旅行地点4.其他功能(修改器的其他功能还未发现 等待你们亲自去发掘)
注意:若无法运行请下载安装Microsoft .Net Framework4.0
Hotfix to fix saving of vehicle skins.
Adding new entries to collections in the Raw tab should now work properly instead of causing errors. Can now edit overpower level. Added keyboard shortcut for item duplication. Backpack and bank sync buttons now synchronize to level + overpower level. Corrected maximum level to 72. Can now import data into your save from other saves. Many other fixes (see revisions.txt). Fixed saving of vehicle skins.